Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How we got to build the first Semigrand Collapsible Grand Piano

 The Semigrand Collapsible grand Piano Story!

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The First Semigrand Piano Shell
            Lets go back to  September 2012 Peter Willson was frustrated, a not unusual situation!

He wanted to perform gigs with Linda Francis - a fantastic singer who sounds like Karen Carpenter used to - because their dream was to do Cabaret with a grand piano, pianist and singer. The only problem was that although he had a grand piano at home, when they both went out gigging, he took his digital keyboard which sounded like a piano, but of course just looked like a keyboard because it sat on a device that looked just like an ironing board stand!
Peter had seen some years ago when on a business trip in Spain, a grand piano shell in a hotel, it looked just like a piano, but in fact had a space for a digital keyboard. Just the thing, but where could he get one?

Semigrand pianos are now available in white!
Time to search the net! One thing that was important to Peter was that it should be collapsible or foldable, in other words, he needed to take it to a gig in his car, erect it and put the keyboard in place.

The Semigrand Model No 2
Did such a thing exist? Yes it did, in Australia, the US and in Holland. But there was none readily available in the UK.  The Aussie one was good, but expensive and it needed shipping from the other side of the world, the US one again needed shipping and the one from Holland didn't have a lid that lifted up, Peter was stumped - until her talked to his friend Robin who said that he could build one for him! So started the story of the Willson & Kempe Semigrand. Blog No 2 continues the story...............

Meanwhile see Semigrand.com to see how things have progressed!

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